Spring Cleaning for Your Body

Spring is in full swing! The transition from Winter to Spring can be a difficult one and you may not know how to change your routines or what your body needs throughout this season. Spring represents feminine energy and new beginnings, all the energy we were saving in the winter is now coming out to play! Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that our bodies and needs change with each season; so according to TCM - Spring is represented by the element wood, we focus on our sight, on the feelings of anger, cleansing our spaces, but most of all we are focusing on the liver. As we focus on "Spring Cleaning" our spaces, let's also remember to clean our liver. Our liver is a pivotal organ and isn't often taken care of enough.

There are many different types of liver detox tricks out there but here are some amazing tips for overall liver health this spring!

Indulge in Green: Just about everything that your liver loves is green! It's time to get outside. We have been basically hibernating for months and our bodies and minds are craving the sunshine and the greenery around us. The feeling of your feet on the ground/grass has been known to help the “detoxification” process and qi movement. Green is not only pleasing to the eyes, which are connected to the liver, but it also creates calmness in the body. It is the perfect time to enjoy the newly green grass, or the new buds on the trees. Even the types of food we should be eating are green! In TCM, eating with the seasonal harvest is extremely important - our bodies thrive on fresh produce that are full of nutrients. Try switching your diet to include more cruciferous veggies, (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, arugula) onions, beets, dandelion greens, grapefruit, parsley, and lemon - these will help support and clean your liver.

Stretch and Move: The liver is connected to much more of the body than we often realize. Our liver is connected to our tendons, so try doing small movements and stretches throughout the day. These will help stagnation in your liver and support tendon health. When we are in long periods of rest, our liver will store blood and then will release it to the tendons in times of activity to support overall health and flexibility. Work outs or walks outside can support your liver qi flow even more, especially if you are feeling short-tempered or moody!

Get in Touch with Your Emotions: Spring is considered the season for anger because this emotion and other irritable emotions tend to surface when your liver is out of balance. Release those emotions! Journaling, writing letters, drawing, or doodling can be great ways to help move and let go of those emotions without hurting the ones you love. Let those negative emotions out!

Take Advantage of Herbs: Herbs are such a great way to promote health and qi flow in your liver. Utilizing herbs in teas such as dandelion, red clover, licorice, and milk thistle can be a great way to keep your liver clean and healthy! These are all plants that come into season with the spring and are known to help detox your liver specifically.

Acupuncture of Course: There are multiple points on the body that can help regulate liver and gallbladder function, support organs, help release emotional strain, and overall qi flow! There are a few acupressure points you can use at home or come see us for a full acupuncture appointment.

Taking care of your liver can help detoxify your skin, regulate your digestive system, and help you feel lighter and happier throughout this season and into summer! Let's start Spring Cleaning our bodies, minds, and our space! Getting to know your body is difficult on your own and we are here to help! Book an acupuncture appointment or take a look at Functional Medicine (hyperlink).

Taking care of your liver can help detoxify your skin, regulate your digestive system, and help you feel lighter and happier throughout this season and into summer! Let's start Spring Cleaning our bodies, minds, and our space! Getting to know your body is difficult on your own and we are here to help! Book an acupuncture appointment here or take a look at Functional Medicine here!


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