Spring Means Liver Season

This is time of growth and coming out of the calm of winter, many people enjoy waking up their system with some type of Liver cleanse each spring.

Some important tips to support your system in the spring:

  • Stretching specially your ribcage with twists and cactus pose can help spread and move liver energy.

  • Walking is some of the best exercise we can do and enjoying fresh, green nature can be very helpful to the liver.

  • Pho soup with tendons in it is a great food therapy that can help support your tendons, during liver season when all the things the liver supports are more susceptible.  The liver controls the tendons/sinews and the joint tissue.

  • Micro-greens, blueberries, lime juice, Goji Berries and small amounts of sour foods like pickles, and sauerkraut supports the liver and can be gentle, hydrating, and easy to digest.

  • Congee is a natural companion to support our digestion and good for a little spring cleaning for your Liver.  Adding Goji Berries and Blueberries to your congee will nourish Yin and Blood even more. A powerful internal pathway connects the eyes to the Liver, which allows acupuncturists to treat and benefit the eyes and vision via the Liver. Oregon Blueberry Congee at the Breakfastcure.com is one of the original recipes, to benefit the Liver.

Together the ingredients do just that, benefit the Liver, nourish Yin and Blood, and calm and soothe the Liver Qi. By also nourishing the Heart Yin, this recipe helps relax the Liver by supporting a calm Heart and mind, known as calming Shen or mind.  A relaxed Shen and a Liver and Heart nourished with ample blood supply allow for deep and restful sleep.

Liver Qi stagnation happens with stress. This tension spills over to the Spleen and Stomach thus compromising digestion and absorption. Relaxation while eating is critical because we create energy out of the food we eat and the air we breathe. With Liver constriction, it becomes difficult to build Liver Blood. Some of those systems mayhave symptoms of Liver Blood deficiency such as:

  •  Feeling Fatigued

  •  Irritable

  • Sluggish, Bloated or Constipation

  • Trouble Falling Asleep

  • Scanty Periods

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles

  • Poor Night Vision and “Floaters”

Spring is a time of planning and decision-making, concerning the domain of the Liverand Gallbladder respectively.

So, what better medicine for the planning and deciding brain than a little acupuncture, stretching, deep breathing, massage, and certain foods to soothe your liver and calm your heart and mind?


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