What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a traditional method of energy healing that reduces stress, offers relaxation, and encourages the body to restore and repair itself autonomously. Reiki has been proven to treat almost every known illness and condition, works well in tandem with other medical and therapeutic practices, and has only positive, beneficial effects. Reiki stimulates your own natural healing abilities.

Reiki originated in Japan nearly 100 years ago and its popularity is growing globally. Scientific research for Reiki is still in the beginning stages, however, the research to date shows great promise for Reiki’s ability to promote health.

The word “Reiki” is composed of two individual Japanese words: ‘rei’ meaning “wisdom or higher power” and ‘ki’ meaning “universal life force energy.” Reiki is the transmission and usage of universal life force energy to restore natural, healthy function to body, mind, & spirit.

Reiki works intuitively to balance your body and restore its natural homeostasis. Reiki is typically thought of as “laying on of hands.” Your practitioner has been attuned to Reiki energy and is able to transmit it via their hands.

During a Reiki treatment, Reiki energy is not coming from your practitioner. Practitioners are channels that energy passes through. Universal life force energy is constantly flowing all around, through and within us. Your practitioner connects with, guides, and supports Reiki as it passes into your body.

  • Brett Hall has been practicing Reiki since 2005 and attained the designation of Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho linage in 2010. Brett has always been connected to and involved in helping people live healthy, happy lives.

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